Essay On Inclusive Education

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Introduction Inclusive education has been widely interpreted and defined. It is applicable to all pupils with the aim of removing barriers to learning and engagement for all pupils (Pijl et al., 2008). Creating an inclusive education system has become the political agenda of many countries in the recent years: there is a shift in the education system in schools and an increasing numbers of pupils with special needs are enrolled in mainstream schools (Meijer, 2003). Singapore has also witnessed a rapid shift in the education system to be inclusive after Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (2004) visioned Singapore as an inclusive society “which does not ignore the needs of those who are born or afflicted with disabilities”. The focus on inclusion of pupils with special needs has also progressed to a higher paradigm beyond ensuring just a placement in the mainstream school over the years. We should next seek to understand the pupils’ views of inclusion in education. It has been widely debated that including the pupils with special needs in the mainstream school is not equitable to an inclusive environment of equal learning opportunities. Studies have shown pupils’ views vary with regard to an inclusive education; there will be pupils with positive views who seek…show more content…
The author reviewed 12 articles to examine the pupils with special needs’ perspectives of an inclusive education when they have a mainstream education. The summary of the literature reviews is presented in Table 1. Three themes were identified from the literature review as most strongly influencing the perspectives of students’ with special needs: supportive learning environment; effective communication for inclusion and understanding of individual

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