The Importance Of Globalization

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Since the beginning of humankind, people have interacted with each other across space, place, and time. The social, political, and economical connections developed by humans over centuries have varied across regions and impacted the way that individuals and states interact with each other. These interactions among different places and groups have led to large scale interconnection and interdependence, a more global world. This increasing interconnectedness, globalization, of the world can be viewed in numerous aspects of an individual’s daily life or on larger regional and international scales. Globalization is a concept deeply rooted in past events from European domination in the Age of Empire to the world wars, yet it begins to take on a…show more content…
Globalization is a complex, often contested, multidimensional, and constructed concept with multiple meanings and, depending on the theorist, variations of components. Globalization connects the diverse parts of the world together through political, social, and economic interaction. Through this connection, a global network forms allowing for the transfer of information, ideas, resources, and people across absolute space (National Geographic 2011). Globalization creates an increasing interconnection among people, cultures, economies, states, and environments. The process of globalization has allowed for the development of strong economies and improved forms of communication that make the flow of resources from place to place easier, less costly, and more efficient; however, while globalization has improved the interconnectedness of the world, allowing for knowledge and resource expansion, it has also increased the interdependence of people, states, and societies on each other and created fundamental unevenness and inequalities in progress and development because some people and places benefit less, if at all, compared to others (Brown…show more content…
Globalization is a multifaceted, contested concept, since scholars are unable to agree on a definitive definition of it, that promotes both interconnectedness and inequality throughout the world. While globalization is an ongoing process, by no means is it accidental; it is constructed and emerges as a result of centuries of previous
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