The Importance Of Globalization In Urban Management

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Introduction Cities are increasingly becoming the principal protagonists between geographical regions. Cities focus on how to convey their competitive edge and relevance in order to be the best choice for prospective visitors, investors, students, talented people and businesses (Baker, 2011). Continued urbanisation throughout the 20th century have created opportunities for individuals through cities: employment, housing, education, transportation, social mobility and for businesses: educated labor force, financial service provision, reduced costs, proximity to supplies and markets (United Nations, 2005). Because of concerns that this trend might be unsustainable, a competition arose among cities for resources - human, capital, and intellectual…show more content…
Simon Anholt (2007), founding father of the nation branding concept, identifies that the increased attention on branding places, countries and more recently cities is caused by the increased pressures to compete in the global market. Kavaratzis (2004) states that city branding has attracted the interest of many academics form various disciplines and is by now an established practice within urban management. This has resulted in a great amount of publications of the city marketing process (Ashworth & Voogd, 1990; Kotler et al., 1999). According to Kavaratzis (2004) most practitioners recognise the concepts of place branding as being grounded in corporate branding and marketing theories that have been altered for the purpose. According to Merrilees et al. (2009) place branding can be seen as something that is about the ways in which countries, regions, cities and communities market their entity. Branding a city has been described as telling the story of the city to the world (Clark, 2007). And it needs to be a differentiated story (Markusen and Schrock,…show more content…
The mission and vision represent the basic who and what of the organisation, what it wants to be know and appreciated for and what business the organisation is in (Cornelissen, 2012). Larçon and Reiter (1979), French sociologists, added another dimension to the concept of corporate identity when they argued that it should not only involve the visible outward presentation of a organisation, but also the set of intrinsic characteristics or ‘traits’ that give the company its coherence, stability and specificity. They argue that a corporate identity is not only a projected image in the form of visual design and communication, but should also be concerned with ‘what the organisation is’ - as it is reflected in its strategies and

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