The Importance Of Diversity In Malaysia

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Malaysia is a country where various ethnic groups live together in a pleasant and harmony atmosphere. Each ethnic group respect others ethnic tradition by the action of not cursing and give odd opinion about the tradition. All the ethnic group also help and befriend with each other regardless of race. Do you know what are the terms given by British Military Administration to the Federation of Malaya in order to achieve independence? Actually, one of the terms are the unity and cooperation of the people of Malaya and political races. When unity and cooperation are achieved, peaceful and harmony country will be created. However what are the reason and advantageous that will be achieved if the harmony within diversity in Malaysia are nurtured and cherished? Firstly, harmony within diversity must be nurtured and cherished in order to fulfill the needs and requirements of citizenship in Malaysia. This is…show more content…
If harmony within diversity is not maintained, war might always occur in our country. War will always destroy building and public facilities nearby and causes countless and unnecessary death of citizenship. Thus, government need to allocate fund to repair public facilities and building since they have been destroyed in the war in order to fulfill the basic requirements of citizenship such as residence. The presence of destroyed building means that citizenship have no place to live in with and no place of business. Thus business activities such as retail cannot be held due to the absence of place of business. When this happen, basic requirements and needs of citizenship cannot be fulfilled. Therefore it is necessary that damaged building is repaired as soon as possible. The allocation of the funds resulted in development delay. To conclude, rapid development can only take place when peaceful and harmony condition of our country is

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