Naturalism In Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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Research Paper Kate Chopin was named Catherine O’Flaherty in St.Louis, where she was born on February 8, 1850. Chopin was brought up in a home dominated by women. Her father, a successful Irish businessman that died when she was five years old. Her mother was Eliza Faris came from a old French family that lived closely to St.Louis. Chopin spent her childhood in a attic constantly reading new books as well as being told stories about her great-great-grandmother who was a very successful person. Chopin had high hopes as being as or more successful as her great-great-grandmother.After attending an all girls school and moving on to college, she met Oscar Chopin, a french born cotton factor. They married in 1870 and had a total of six children. Her first writings only really started once Oscar died in 1884, her writings consisted of a poem called “If it Might Be” and a piece of music called “Polka for Piano”. Within her twelve years of writing, she produced a play, a few novels, and almost 100 short stories. She later died on August 22, 1904. Kate Chopin's “The Story of an Hour” demonstrates how naturalism affects people in a variety of ways. When reading this short story, it makes the reader consider feminism, women’s roles in society, as well as naturalism. Also how life may be brought to an end due to any cause such as a train crash. Kate wants…show more content…
In “The Story of an Hour” there is much foreshadowing and metaphoric language that gives the reader a sense of what is going to happen later on in the story. Vivid imagery plays a big role too, it keeps the reader entertained and wanting to read more, it gives the characters more definition and the story more plot. The story has a dramatic ending that is caused by fatal self assertion, Mrs.Mallard is killed because the freedom she thought she has is abruptly taken away from her as soon as she gets

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