The Importance Of Environment On The Environment

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ENVIRONMENT Human life and biodiversity sustained from air,land and water resources. Global economy manages environmental issues directly. Industrial societies’ needs are destroy environment and how can societies avoid to destroy environment? THE TRAGEDY OF THE COMMONS While protecting environment; the difficulties are illustrated with the tragedy of the commons. Very briefly tragedy of the commons is that; everyone or every state use resources till they finish but nobody wants to clear or repair these resources. It based on the self interests of the states and indirectly capitalist world design. Privatize the commons is the second tragedy and it is transfering property rights to indiviuls and with this, individuals have to care…show more content…
Additional social reason is gaining much more spaces for the growing population. Results of the deforestation is so terrible because forests are the feeds and life source of the human being. Desertation It is related to deforestation. Cutting trees causes soil erosion and beneficial nutrients dissappeared. Thus desertification starts and it diectly affect food production and rains. Biodiversity We have to keep variety of plants and animals however environmental problems destroy varieties of plants and animals. Ozone depletion It is a relapse of the ozone layer. Our planet need to be protected from the sun bu humanity. CLIMATE CHANGE It is briefly global warming in the world. Volcanic eruptions , building greenhouse gas and burning of fossil oil causes climate change so global warming. NGOs, IOs, governments has been trying to compliance. THE STOCKHOLM CONFERENCE As in the previous discussion on the least developed countries, between the developing countries with "growth" was interrupted as a result of meetings with debates on two important decisions were…show more content…
Secondly, the Stockholm final Declaration, in every human being to live in a healthy environment and the right to participate in decisions relating to environmental protection is highlighted. At the end of the Conference "man and Environment" published at statement and roadmap "for human and Environment Action Plan" a declaration containing 109 recommendations are explained. At the end of the meeting of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was established in Nairobi, capital of Kenya as the center of the organization is appropriate. UNCLOS At the end of the second world war, international cmmunity demanded United Nations International law Commision that codifying ocen’s existing laws. Commision started to work in 1949 and their four draft convention adopted at the 1st UN Conference on the law of the sea. We are using last UNCLOS which is adopted in 1982. It is covering these concepts; high seas, living resources in the seas, continental shelf and contigious zone. States can apply United Nations International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea when any situation occurred between states about sea
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