Anni Annie Dillard: The Importance Of The Environment

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Importance of the Environment The 1970’s was a bittersweet decade due to the numerous riots and plentiful movements. Despite all these movements, some people focused on nature to escape conflict. During these retreats, writers recorded their experience with visual language. Through such imagery, diction, and tone, the readers sense the thoughts of the author and the extraordinary environment of the piece. In many of Annie Dillard’s works, she expresses the beauty and stillness surrounding her, away from other worldly distractions. Although some critics believe Dillard does not put any life or time into her works, actually she spends an abundance of time using delicate imagery, determined diction, and similar tones to express the importance of writing and nature to sway the audience’s thoughts about their surrounding environment.…show more content…
She was born the oldest child of her parents on April 30, 1945 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Clarke; “Annie,” St. James). While attending Hollins College in Roanoke, Virginia she married her creative writing teacher, Richard Dillard. Shortly after graduating, she kept a journal which served as a source for her award winning narrative, Pilgrim At Tinker Creek. Throughout her life she has written many works. Due to her constant interest in topics that reflect the concerns of an increasing population of readers, she is mostly popular (“Annie,” St. James). Annie Dillard is a famous writer; however, she does not enjoy all the fame. After awarded the Pulitzer Prize for her book Pilgrim At Tinker Creek she was uneasy with all the attention her fans provided her (“Annie,” St. James). She didn’t care for much social interaction with others, a reason why she continuously wrote about the importance of nature and

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