Pple Annotated Bibliography

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PPLE Annotated Bibliography
 Throughout this annotated bibliography I will be researching and exploring the effects that teacher feedback holds on a student’s relationship with their teachers, their learning and the classroom environment. 1. Hamre, B, Pianta, R (2005). Can Instructional and Emotional Support in the First-Grade Classroom Make a Difference for Children at Risk of School Failure? Child Development, Volume 76, Number 5, Pages 949 – 967 This article, written by Bridget K. Hamre and Robert C. Pianta, explores ways in which feedback and support from teacher’s could abate the risk of children’s failure. There were 910 children of ages 5-6 (kindergarten/year 1) participating in this national prospective study. The children who participated…show more content…
Hattie, J., Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review Of Educational Research, 77(1), 81–112. This article provides a conceptual analysis of feedback and reviews the evidence related to its impact on learning and achievement, the authors John Hattie and Helen Timperley believe that feedback is among the most powerful and critical influences upon a student’s learning. The evidence gathered in this article reveals that although feedback is among the major influences on a student, depending on the type of feedback given (positive or negative) and the way it is given, the effectiveness can differentiate. Feedback is information provided by an ‘agent’ (teacher, peer, parent) which regards a student’s academic performance or understanding, it seeks to provide knowledge or skills to further develop one’s learning. According to this article, feedback poses three major questions: Where am I going? How am I going?, and, Where to next? The answers to these questions enhance a students learning when there is a discrepancy between what they understand and what needs to be understood and aim to increase effort, motivation and…show more content…
The behaviour of both student and teacher is seen as mutually influential to one another, the interactions between teachers and students is of crucial importance to student learning and the classroom environment. The study investigated the association between two student outcomes - attitudes and achievements - and the student perception of classroom climate and interpersonal relationships and behaviour of teachers. This study put a focus on gender, where they found the male students achieved more academically when put in a positive classroom environment with positive teacher/student relationships, while the females in the same class reported to view their quality of life within their classroom more favourably when influenced by interpersonal teacher behaviour and relationships. Due to the focus on gender, this study limited my research slightly - as my topic focuses mainly on the effect of positive teacher feedback across all students (male or female) and whether this has an impact on the teacher/student relationships, academic achievement and classroom environment. However, I still found it interesting and beneficial to my studies as this has furthered my knowledge on the effect of interpersonal teacher behaviour, relationships and the overall classroom

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