Importance Of Eco-Friendly Environment

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Environmentally eco-friendly The environment around us is constantly changing and technology simply only advances on a daily basis. Thus it is important to keep up and not just adjust but adapt to continuously adjusting your life to a more advanced one. The world we live in today is changing however everything has pros and cons and with today’s technology and knowledge pollution and damage to the earth also increases which is the downside. It is absolutely vital that we as individuals are environmentally aware and active towards our surroundings. One can not only help aid our planet and the individuals living it but also save a lot of money if one builds green which means using eco-friendly materials and making decisions always with the environment and surroundings at heart and in thought. Doors and windows…show more content…
There is no universal plug socket. There was once recently created however studies show that it is unsafe for it has cause electrical shocks when in use. In order to create a safe environment, I have decided to use standard south African plug sockets for this is what schools in south Africa are familiar with. the standard voltage in south Africa is approximately 230 V and The standard frequency is 50 Hz. The most common used power sockets in our country are as follows: type C / D / M / N. All the electricity/power/lights all will be powered through solar panels that will rest on the roof which will store all the buildings power along with a wind mill which will be placed away from the building in an open field for south Africa particular cape town we receive serious hale forces of wind and we should use this to our advantage and will ease a lot of pressure on Eskom which essentially results in us aiding not only our country but the world for we are using natural resources providing and taking care after

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