Importance Of Disaster Management

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My motivation for higher studies in sustainability is strongly influenced by energy crisis in Pakistan. Energy is considered to be life of any economy. Living in a country suffering from a multitude of problems, especially energy-related problems have proven to be the worse in the past few years. There is very fast and quick increase in demand of energy due to advancement in technology and industry. Now a days some areas of Pakistan are facing 4-6 hours load shedding every day. The main reasons include inadequate capacity of renewable potential and inefficient use of energy resources. So, it is necessary that Pakistan should have to increase its production of energy by shifting towards the renewable and sustainable sources. Otherwise, it will be fatal for its economy. Also 63.26% (2013) of electricity in Pakistan is produced from oil, gas and coal sources and contributing toward the Global Warming. With a vision to solve energy related problems, I have planned to pursue my higher studies in sustainability. I have always enjoyed solving complex and challenging problems ever since I was in middle school. Due to my strong interest…show more content…
These activities are categorized as disaster preparedness, disaster response, disaster recovery, post disaster epidemiological surveillance, environmental management and disaster mitigation. Generally the governments have a responsibility to protect people within their territory from harm, including such diverse threats as terrorists to deadly diseases. This responsibility also means protecting them from disasters and environmental change, including the effects of climate change. Governments do this in a range of ways. For example, they assess the risk of disasters, take measures to reduce the negative impact of environmental changes, or plan for the effects of climate change. Effective disasters management is a key factor for the disaster preparedness

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