The Importance Of Corporate Social Responsibility

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Introduction Usually a company’s success is measured by means of financial achievements, the bigger the profits, the better the company is doing and thus the more success it has. Many economists say that Corporate Social Responsibility is just in order to increase profits of the company, and that may very well be true, but nevertheless something more and more consumers look into when purchasing products. “Corporate social responsibility: Doing the most good for your company and your cause” (Kotler & Lee, 2008) By investing in Corporate Social Responsibility a brand can achieve improved name recognition, where consumers will start to connect your brand with a cause, and if the consumer also supports this cause, they may be more likely to purchase…show more content…
The number of companies who are embracing the Corporate Social Responsibility concept are ever increasing, making it to become one of the key subjects in successful business; many companies are taking steps to increase their reputation, and how they are perceived by the consumers and the society in general. One reason why the interest in Corporate Social Responsibility has increased a lot in recent years is because the increasing influence on the consumer behaviour, as the consumers in recent years have been demanding more of the firms than just delivering quality products at a reasonable prices (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004). Many consumers expect that organizations, and firms in particular, will match some of the social values the consumer possess, as well that they contribute to their local communities (Maignan, Ferrell, & Ferrell, 2005). Thus many consumers choose to evaluate the performance of the firm in regards to their Corporate Social Responsibility, and whether or not it satisfies them sufficiently. The purpose of this thesis is thus investigating the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Loyalty, where we will be using the Social Identity…show more content…
Some new research indicates that thoughtful and significant CSR efforts can promote a consumer loyalty, however there is a hurdle: whatever CSR initiative your brand will undertake, it has to impact the consumer’s direct experience with the brand itself. Meaning that the CSR efforts has to be at the core of the business model, and not just hyped in the PR campaigns and the yearly sustainability report (Keys, Malnight & van der Graaf, 2009). This makes it a very interesting field to investigate, especially for a business
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