Thailand Short Story

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Thailand through my eyes! Sawa dee kah! It seems fun to know of a country through its proud citizen with many of his/her life stories. A country as colourful, exotic, vibrant, scenic & culturally rich, as THAILAND should be acquainted to all. I am Thalia Kim Kanchai, a 20-year-old woman who embodies her country in every sense. It’s going to be interesting for you to know, learn, feel & enjoy the KINGDOM OF THAILAND through my eyes (and words);)! The first name or visual that comes to mind when heard or read about Thailand is usually BANGKOK and that is where I dwell, capital of my country and a party destination, which is called Krung Thep here amongst the Thai. I have been living in the Chatuchak district of Bangkok…show more content…
Women in regressive and unfortunate cultural beliefs have been considered subordinate to men. So we are on the 69th rank on gender inequality index out of 146 countries. We have issues on infant mortality front, empowerment, employment segregation, wage disparity and education attainment. 48 out of every 100,000 woman die delivering their babies. According to a 2008 report, Thai men earn 8.78% higher than the woman even though they reported to have worked harder and longer than me. Here the blue-collar jobs are reserved for the males and female have white-collar jobs with them. In the year 2004 it was seen that 24.4 % civil jobs were held by woman (which upped from 9.9% in 1992). Statistics also cite 65.55% labour force participation of woman as against 80.69% of male, 2011. The rural woman has still not gone beyond the kitchen. We still have a very long way to go as a society but if figures are trusted we are on the right path. There are improvements in perception of woman of Thailand. My pu wants me to educate myself well and lead a respectable life like a teacher or a nurse that are most common professions here. My own dream of becoming a businesswoman is also welcome. A lot of girls in Thailand found an inspiration in the beautiful Yingluck Shinawatra, our first female prime
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