Carroll's Pyramid Theory Model

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1 Introduction 1.1 Problem Definition and Objectives In the fast changing globalized economy society, CSR has become a very important concept which attracts worldwide attention. Nowadays, there are more than 90% of the Fortune 500 companies have clear and plan in detailed CSR initiatives. (Kotler & Lee, 2005). And in international companies today, CSR is even seen as strategy to gain competitive advantages and a long term key to success. According to the CSR report by Reputation Institute (2016), large companies have shown their strong attention and disclosed substantial investments in CSR initiatives. Company’s decisions on CSR activities are impacting the company in a long run of success, as well as reputation and brand image etc. (Prado…show more content…
Carroll's pyramid theory model (1991) is a very useful tool for analyzing the importance of CSR’s function, and CSR impact in corporations. Considering that CSR has raised more and more attention inside corporations as well as in society, it is the most important to understand the growing importance of CSR and sustainability issues and understand the impact of CSR. In this internship report, the main objective is to use the theoretical CSR model to compare with Volkswagen CSR projects in practice, and their impacts and differences will be reviewed and…show more content…
CSR was defined as “decisions and actions taken for reasons at least partially beyond the firm’s direct economic or technical interest” (Davis, 1960) in the past. McWilliams (2001) has a recent definition of CSR is as “actions that appear to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law.” (McWilliams & Siegel, 2001, pp. 117-127) The most famous one should be the Pyramid theory which has been suggested by Carroll Archie B.(1991) and it has been recognized and accepted by many corporations nowadays. Carroll proposed the definition of CSR: from the bottom to the top of the pyramid representing the economic responsibility, legal responsibility, ethical responsibility and philanthropic responsibility, together constitute of four progressive layers, these four kinds of social responsibilities constitute the total CSR. (Carroll,

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