Ani-Lemo Woreda Case Study

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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. BACKGROUND Ani-lemo Woreda is found in Hadiya Zone, which is geographically located between 70 30¢ to 70 45¢North latitude and 370 54¢30¢¢to 380 3¢ 30¢¢longitude and 18 km far from Hosanna and 224 km from Addis Ababa, has a total population of 84,461 of which, 40,989 is male and 43,472 is female and the common farming system of the Woreda is mixed farming (AWFEDO, 2014). Climate change poses one of the greatest threats in history to the realization of sustainable development, as climate hazards are increasingly impacting human communities and ecosystems alike. The world’s poorest people and communities are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Climate change is having and is projected to impact the livelihood assets and to affect the rights of vulnerable people, especially those that are dependent on biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPCC, 2007). Climate change is also having a negative impact on traditional coping mechanisms and…show more content…
RESEARCH QUESTIONS Can ensete store more carbon in above ground and belowground biomass? What is the contribution of enset to store carbon in the soil and reducing the emission of carbon to the atmosphere? How enset biomass is estimated by using representative samples of components? 1.5. ASSUMPTIONS • Due to its drought tolerant characteristics and perennial nature, the plant ensete might play a major role for climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration. • Enset might contribute to sustain soil fertility through increasing organic matter including organic carbon due to its decomposable body parts and management. 1.6. SIGNIFCANCE OF THE STUDY The study provides important information about contribution of ensete for climate change management through store carbon in its biomass and in the soil at rural farm level. As result, the outcome of this study is give valuable information for researchers, policy makers, governmental and non-governmental organizations. 1.7. SCOPE OF

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