Management In Human Resource Management

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The People Management has undergone profound changes over time, in terms of terminology either in terms of content and process management. According to this research, various approaches developed by several authors in recent decades, from industrial relations to this day, that is, to the information age. The area of Human Resource Management in an engineering environment has ceased to be a mere personnel department to become an activity of strategic importance within organisations (Need, 2006, p.67). Decades ago, the Department of Human Resources was acting mechanistically, in which the employee was limited to performing the tasks, obedience to the head and centralized control (Ben‐Ner, A. and Jones, D.C., 2011). Today the scenario has changed…show more content…
The goal of personnel management is to attract, develop and retain people competent, motivated and committed, seeking balance between their expectations and company needs, creating value and contributing to the achievement of the best results for the organisation. Put another way, it is to have the human organisations a competitive advantage to ensure the company's growth and utilised the term to signify the ability of the companies to develop and use their intellectual skills and competitive of its member states that guarantee or "manage with the people - now considered business partner and not mere corporate resources - has become the most important internal challenge enterprises ". It is vital for companies to achieve, retain the talent that you interest. These challenges must be shared by line managers and function Human resource Management (Simon, H.A., 2008, p.493). Lists the following objectives for the management of people can contribute to organisational effectiveness: Help the organisation achieve its objectives and carry out its mission; Provide competitiveness to the organisation; Provide the organisation well - trained and motivated employees; Increase self-realisation and satisfaction of employees at work; Develop and maintain quality of working life; Managing change; and…show more content…
As organisations grow, the work of line managers is divided and specializes and they spend in need of assistance through consulting an HR staff. Thereafter, ARH then becomes a specialized function staff. With the beginning of the line of responsibility and function staff in mind, one must decentralize the management of people at the level of managements and one hand while on the other, remains the advisory and internal consulting through an HR agency (Treviño,, 2014). Each responsible to provide the best in terms of driving people towards the organisation’s goals, and also enabling the achievement of individual objective (Jones, T.M., 2010,
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