Korea In The Philippines

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From the past years, Koreans have entered the Philippines more often. The lower cost of living, English speaking populations, and the personality of the Filipinos made the Korean tourist more comfortable in our country and in 2006 the Koreans took the first place in both tourist arrivals and foreign investments in the Philippines (“They came,” 2007). Moreover, according to Hwang (as cited in Esplanada, 2012) “The people here are very friendly and no matter who we approach, they’re always willing to talk and communicate in ways they know and in ways that would be understood”. Also, the Koreans can feel the sense of belonging in our country for there are Koreans communities that have settled down in our country (Esplanada, 2012). Moreover,…show more content…
Based on the statistics from the Bureau of Immigration (BI), there are a total of 26,823 special study permit issued by them where the Koreans take the first place on the list of foreign students in 2010 (Cabayan, 2011). According to Cabayan (2011) South Korean students often take elementary and high school education in our country and an over 6,000 Korean students are currently enrolled in various colleges and university nationwide. Some of reasons why Koreans decided to study in the Philippines are being center for higher education, conducive and safe environment and its medium for learning English of our country’s education. For the Philippines is world’s third largest English-speaking country and also use English in all levels as a mode of instruction uses the system of education of US making its degrees in medical education be recognized by several organizations like World Health Organization, IMED of ECFMG- USA and having top universities renowned worldwide that would cost lower that other schools overseas with dedicated and friendly school staff and faculty members and having affordable accommodation and living expense…show more content…
In order for them to acquire their teacher certificate they must earn points in teacher education and major courses and for a secondary teacher they must enrolled for the period of 4 years and earn 140 credited hours where a candidate must earn more than 42 points in their major subject and 20 points in teacher education courses but it’ll also vary in the type of school they are in for comprehensive university they must have more than 42 points in major subject and 20 points in teacher education courses and their total must be above or equal to 80 points but in graduate schools of education they just need to earn more than 42 points in major subject and 20 points in teacher education courses (Kim & Han, 2002). Applicants for teacher certificate from the four education institution (National or Private College of Education, Department of Education, teacher education in Comprehensive Universities and the Graduate Schools of Educations) will have an automatic authorization but for applicants that is not enrolled in teacher education institute or

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