Releas Freud's Theory Of Nightmares And The Nightmare?

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Nightmare refers to a terrifying dream in which the dreamer experiences feelings of helplessness, extreme anxiety, sorrow, etc. (Dictionary, N.A.) Oxford dictionary defines nightmare as ‘a frightening or unpleasant dream’ (Oxford Dictionary, 2018) Nightmare: To dream of being attacked with these hideous sensations denotes wrangling and failure is business. For young women, this is a dream prophetic of disappointment and unmerited slights. It may also warn the dreamer to be careful of her health and food. It is not at all unusual to dream about having a nightmare. It means an individual is being heavily influenced by someone else’s strong personality and this could possibly have harmful impact on a person. The facts that an individual is not clear in ones own mind about matters at the moment is making it easier for the person to dominate. (Bhatia, 2002) The nightmare dictionary categorizes nightmares as follows Release nightmares: fear, insecurity, frustration and angst cannot be expressed during waking hours; some parts always need to be heard. Things that are found too difficult to deal with consciously go straight through subconscious and come through release dreams.…show more content…
According to Freud he believed that dreams are triggered by unacceptable repressed wishes or desires that are often of a sexual nature. Since dreams represent unacceptable wishes, our manifested dreams are merely disguised version of our latent dreams or our real dreams. Freud therefore concludes that one of the best ways to understand people and dealing with their psychological problem is to expose the meaning of their latent dream through the interpretation of manifest dreams. There is no convincing evidence for Freudian theory but this theory of dreams has given rise to many interesting stories as a result it is widely disseminated to the public through media as if it was a fact (Pinel,

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