The Comparison Of Families In India And Canada

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India and Canada share many of the same family values. However, their approach to the family unit differs in some areas. The Indian family cherishes its members and is considered stable and resilient. Canada is similar in that most families maintain a stable family dynamic, meaning that they live in a particular unit for an extended period of time. Families in India cherish family loyalty, integrity, and unity as it remains a more traditional and less industrialized eastern society. Most families living in both India and Canada maintain a patriarchal ideology, which is defined as the male of a relationship having a form of control or power over the female. Most families living in Canada and India are extremely traditional in the sense that…show more content…
These people consist of aunts, uncles and grandparents living together in the same household. Canada has a similar family dynamic, although it is referred to as the “extended” family. Although the members in a joint family share the same household, they live in separate rooms. However, all its members eat in the same location and share both income and property. The members of the family are related by kinship and often share the same idols, much like those living in Canada. The joint family makes sure to take care of its members: they care for the old, widowed and disabled. The family unit provides support to those suffering from unemployment, illness, death and other hardships. Both India and Canada cherish a strong family unit and believe members should provide for, support, and comfort one another. Although no longer considered the preferred family unit in India, most people have particpated in the joint family unit during their…show more content…
Male children are deemed more valuable to people in India, so they are treated with more respect and are given special privileges. The upbringing of male and female children differ: males are brought up to be more assertive, independent and demanding, whereas females are brought up to be nurturing, adaptive and tolerant. Canada differs from India in this respect as gender preferences are not prominent. Although children from opposite genders have a slightly different upbringing, they are both treated with equal respect and love. Lower-income families in India require the women to work outside the home to help support their families, whereas women in middle and upper-class families work in hopes of supplementing their husbands’ income. However, in a traditional Indian family women are expected to be dependent, nonassertive and go out of their way to please their husband. These women are expected to look after their home and care for their children. Most women in Canada are expected to assist in providing for their family, although it is not uncommon for women to stay at home and care for their

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