Human Anxieties In Fitcher's Bird

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Fitcher’s Bird, written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm was one of the original fairy tales. In the past, fairy tales involved an adult type context with dynamic storylines. In this day and age, primary readers of fairy tales are children. Over the years, fairy tales have grown into stories with morals that would influence readers in a positive way. Though a lot has changed, one common element remains the same. It is based off of human anxieties and reactions that we have or will go through in our lives. Fairy tales accentuate multiple human anxieties that are overall defeated with human curiosity. Many anxieties are shown in the story of Fitcher’s Bird. The women that the sorcerer captures end up being murdered and mutilated due to their crippling curiosity. The sorcerer’s truest intention is to be wed. He gains the women’s trust by showering them with everything they could possibly desire. “The rooms glistened with silver and gold, and she thought that she had never seen such splendor.” (Fitcher’s Bird, 1) The women seem to enjoy the…show more content…
The last woman gets away with being in the forbidden room because the egg is completely clean. Due to this conclusion, the sorcerer believes she passed the test meaning she will be his bride. “He now had no more power over her and had to do whatever she demanded.” (Fitcher’s Bird, 2) This quote covers an interesting idea about how marriage can change the roles of the spouses. He loses his power over her due to the fact that she is released from his restraints about gaining her trust. She is then able to manipulate the sorcerer. She saves her sisters and as the ultimate revenge on behalf of all his victims, she burns down his house killing the sorcerer and all of his friends. The woman was smart to not only kill the sorcerer because his friends may kill her for that action. She’s ending all ties with the sorcerer and making sure nobody ever bothers her or innocent women ever

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