Teaching Reflection

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Most educational systems are successful because the school makes an effort in developing and investing in their teachers to be reflective and to accomplish and make enquiries professionally. Those teachers who have the capacity to engage with the complexities of the education system will be the key to shaping and leading educational changes (Donaldson, 2011). According to Price (2004) the purpose of the reflection is to understand one’s motive , perceptions, attitudes, values and feelings. I was overwhelmed by the aims of the research study and the research study was meaningful to me as my it reflected my position as a teacher and a practitioner. According to Allington (2002) teachers who are thoughtful and always maintaining reflective…show more content…
Using this method will helps, teachers and parents can have an understanding of how to overcome the barriers of why ESL students fail to engage themselves in classroom activities. I really felt it is was a need for a teacher and practitioner to overcome these barriers to promote healthy emotional and social skills in the early childhood school. As a results students will gain confidence to learn effectively in the classroom with the effective teachers’ teaching…show more content…
Therefore, I thought very carefully about how to design the questionnaires. The questionnaire is designed to be user-friendly for the purpose of intervention and to gain qualitative data from the participant. My aim of choosing the questionnaire method is to find out what the participants feel and think ( Meyer et. al, 2004). Before posting the questionnaire to the participants I will re-read the questionnaires carefully to see that each questions is clear and precise for the respondents to respond. The questionnaires are designed to ease and ensure that the questionnaires are not personal, unclear or misleading. Descombe (2003) indicates that the responses to the questionnaire relies on the written information from the participants. I personally felt that using a questionable method has been effective in this study to though it was not easy to design the questions. The questionnaire method was designed with an open ended and closed questionnaire for the participants to answer to respond to questions comfortably. There are five main questionnaires designed to gain data from the participants. I decided to e-mailed the questionnaire to the teachers and perhaps a timeline of three days was given to teachers to complete and return the

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