Differential Calculus In Physics

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Research Question: How are the fundamentals of differential calculus used to gain an understanding of rainbows through physics? Rainbows are one of the most beautiful gifts nature has to give. Because of their beauty, they have started the basis of many fairy tales, songs and legends. Most of the people from the older times recognized rainbows as a sing of beauty, they were so beautiful, in fact, that they've inspired countless fairy tales, songs and legends. Most of them were totally engrossed by the idea of rainbows, even now they still are. Rainbows may seem as just a gift from nature, however it has a lot to do with science, and the idea of it's science is much based on math and logic of differential calculus which plays a big part in…show more content…
Another important way to apply these concepts onto are, to optics. MATHEMATIC PRESENTATION Math plays a big part in the world we live in, much of this much needed math is applied in physics. Differential calculus is a key factor in physics and consist of 3 major concepts that plays a big part in physics. Such as, limits, derivatives and its various rules. These concepts are not only used to remember and fill the blank spaces of a test, but also to help us gain a better understandings of real life situations and how to solve them. Rainbows might look as if its a plain gift of mother nature, when something sad happens, something good will come and something better will appear. Like the rain, sun and the rainbow. However, rainbows are much more than that. Physics of rainbows talk about how we see these colors and how these colors arch the way it does, in order to call it a rainbow. Physics consist of the math needed to be applied to the concept of rainbows, to help us understand how it affects the way we see and comprehend the visualization of a rainbow. They are created when raindrops scatter sunlight, refracting its various colors to form its rainbow. These arches and light, bend to a certain degree, differential calculus and it's different concepts below help us gain a deeper…show more content…
D over T(Retrieved from )Change in distance in terms Fig.18. Change in distance(Retrieved from) Make the equation equal 0 Fig.19. Equal 0(Retrieved from )Bring 1 over v2 to the other side Fig.20. Move over(Retrieved from )Simple Trigonometry Fig.21. Triganometry(Retrieved from )Put the answers back to the previous equation Fig.22. Plug in answers(Retrieved from )Multiply both sides by the speed of light Fig.23. Speed of light(Retrieved from )Indices of refraction is the speed of light over velocity Fig.24. Indices of refraction(Retrieved from )Put the answers back into the previous equation Fig.25. Previous equation(Retrieved from) Differential calculus contains a series of formulas and mind boggling concepts that relates back to simplistic rainbows. In this chapter, we have covered Snell's laws, derivatives and its different rules and concepts that were basically defined, given along with it's formulas. Each formula was thoroughly dissected to help us understand the parts in which it consist of. Differential calculus consist of many concepts and formulas that are applied to many different things in many different ways, therefore it brings us to our next chapter on application and how it is applied in different
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