Teaching Reflection In Education

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Team Teaching Reflection: Alana Cameron 697618 (word count 827). Learning Intention and link to curriculum: The focus of our micro-lesson was Year 10 Civics and citizenship: The Australian Government’s role and responsibilities at a global level. The learning intention for our lesson was to ‘Understand how Australia’s international legal obligations can shape Australian law’ and to ‘Compare and contrast a Monist and Dualist legal system’. This linked to two areas of the Victorian curriculum, VCCCL032 and VCCCL031. Lesson Planning: When planning for this lesson, we wanted to start by introducing and exploring the larger issues through the students’ discussion and understanding. This is a form of learner-centred pedagogy, in which the class is stimulated and continues to evolve through the participation of the students, rather than simply just the teaching of the teacher. For this reason, we wanted to organise the activity so that the students were…show more content…
We tried to include many strategies and tools that would enable the students to become engaged with the topic, understand how it related to their lives and feel comfortable expressing their opinions on the topic. While some aspects of this went well, especially engaging the students in the debate about Monism and Dualism, I think that we could have improved our planning, not only in making the debate more interesting but also making the issue more relatable to a year 10 students life. I also noted that after the brief explanation of the definitions of monism and dualism, there were still some people who were unsure about exactly what the difference was. These people were thus more hesitant to start the activity and become involved in the

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