Persuasive Essay On Inclusive Education

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Inclusive education is based on the simple idea that every child and family is valued equally and deserves the same opportunities and experiences. Traditionally students with disabilities or special needs were tutored at home and many were left uneducated. With the independent voices, calling for equal rights and opportunities, the education of the special need children turned into a more systematic one. At present, students with special needs are given opportunities to get education in inclusive classes. Inclusion involves reorganization of schools in more systematic ways so that every child is in mainstream classes despite their disabilities. Therefore, it is certain that every student gets equal opportunity and be treated equally. Inclusion…show more content…
As much as the advantages there are challenges teachers face with inclusion. A research done by Seyithan D (2017), on “What Instructional Leaders Need to Know About the Effects of Inclusion” supports to advantage of inclusion. This quantitative study was designed as a quasi-experimental model to examine the effects of inclusive science education on the conceptual understandings of middle school students. This study found that the children with disabilities benefits a lot from interacting with students with non- disabilities. The research also found out that the children get peer support to do their work and as a result teachers have to spend less time and less effort to create a more effective classroom. Despite the advantages, research also emphasis that everyone in the school, especially Special Need teachers and mainstream teachers along with the administration of the school work together for inclusive education program to be effective and successful. The school principal and head teachers have to be familiar with the tasks the general education teacher provides, as they are the one who has the knowledge of curriculum and who delivers the lessons for the students in the inclusive

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