Foreign Language In Primary Schools

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Introduction It is a global fact that knowing a foreign language fulfill a person’s occupational needs bring new insights early phases Considering the fact about the of primary began to take place in most of the European countries and in the USA in into learning open-minded and tolerant education and his/her world view and make the person. the early 1960s benefits of learning a foreign language the implementation language education in European countries and USA has affected the education policy of young children of foreign language classes into (Stone & Bradley 1994) The shift towards the early from relations countries resulted foreign as well. Moreover restructuring in the national education system community individual needs which derive in…show more content…
Within the framework of eight-year compulsory primary education in school important innovation was the expansion of the duration of compulsory primary education fourth and fifth grades which courses have started in the sixth grade previously started in the two eight-year year foreign language in the secondary schools (Tebligler Dergisi 1997). Official document earlier grades in formal education such as kindergartens the first the grades of the primary which declared that foreign language education in primary school might start in second and the third the schools (Tebligler Dergisi 2000). However the decision of on the foreign offering primary schools foreign language courses in these levels was left to administrators of the. When language the official records courses in the early phases of primary schools were examined it was found out that most of the state primary schools do not offer such courses prior to the fourth However there were some limited cases in private primary schools in Turkish context. For instance in grades Eskisehir education. there was only one state primary school that offers foreign language courses in which was stressed by those early…show more content…
Therefore the researchers of the present study examine language teaching the in early phases only case in their close environment in terms of its weak and strong points in foreign of primary education in the case of a sample state school in Eskisehir intended. What is more the researchers were especially interested in illustrating whether teacher beliefs would play an actual practices while teaching the target language to the young learners in their role in classrooms. The main reason behind the researchers’ specific focus on teacher beliefs was the previous research has demonstrated a relationship between teacher beliefs and their practices in the early elementary grades (Hsieh 2006). Within this framework the present study aims at foreign language teaching practices in early phases of primary education specifically in kindergarten and first grade in a state school in Eskisehir. As it is a very broad research area the fact that the teaching practices and teaching activities of two teachers and their beliefs about teaching English to young analyzed examining of two teachers in a state school in Eskisehir; the congruence between self-reported children within the frame of early childhood education principles. Thus practices study design researchers beliefs and self-reported practices were illustrated in detail in an

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