FCSG 5200: Case Studies In Family And Consumer Science Discipline

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Shewahn Lee June 9, 2015 FCSG 5200- Research Techniques Case Study Assignment North Carolina Central University Dr. Eberhardt-Burke Introduction There has been a decline in the family and consumer science discipline. According to the case study, Risk and Resiliency in Family and Consumer Sciences Higher Education Programs, many programs are being eliminated from secondary and higher education programs. Low student enrollment and teacher certification are a few of the contributing factors for the decline. Dr. Kinsey B. Green (1989) completed a study on the future of Home Economics in higher education and found that by 1983 the number of units offering four-year degrees was 343, and a loss of 22 more units by 1987, for 321.…show more content…
The BS in Child Development and Birth – Kindergarten programs exhibited low enrollments. The Birth – Kindergarten program is being made available within the existing BS in Child Development degree. This is primarily due to low students enrollment and funding cuts. The family and consumer science programs will be merged with other education programs. In Brown’s (1980) terms family and consumer science educators currently face a practical problem. Conclusion Family and consumer in past history have been looked upon as a noble and rewarding profession. In order to retain this former interest, higher institutions should prepare to invest in hiring accredited family and consumer science educators. It should be stressed that the new name, “family and consumer science” has graduated from the past typical home economics program. Potential students need to know that we are not creating homemakers but investing in rewarding careers. Using these strategies will ensure he future of family and consumer science programs in higher education…show more content…
AAFCS strategic direction 2000-2005. Alexandria, VA: Author. Brown, M. (1980) What is home economics? St. Paul: University of Minnesota. Burger, P.L., & Stewart, D.L. (1991) Recruitment of home economics teachers. Journal of Vocational Home Economics Education, 9(2), 1-9 Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS) (1999, May). Academic year 1997-1998. Degrees awarded for family and consumer sciences. College Station, Texas: Texas A & M University, 3-8, 45-46. Green, K. B. (1989). The Future of Home Economics in Higher Education. Journal of Home Economics, 81 (1), 44. Harper, L.J., & Davis, S.L (1986). Home economics in higher education, 1968-1982. Journal of Home Economics. 78(2), 6-17 Kellet, C.E., (1991). Change in home economics teacher education: Toward the 21st century. Journal of Vocational Home Economics Education,9( 2), 10-14 Rojewski, J. W. (2002). Preparing the workforce of tomorrow: a conceptual framework for career and technical education. Retrieved on March 27, 2002, from

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