Strengths And Weaknesses Of Medical Services

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REPORT ON THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF PROVINCIAL AND PRIVATE EMS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS PROVINCIAL EMS VS PRIVATE EMS Compiled by: R.W.K Heyns 213098814 Private EMS ER 24 emergency medical services is utilizing a push to talk android phone, which can be used as a cellular phone, two way radio and short message service device. Strengths It is a very good two way radio system it can be picked up over a 100 + km radius, which makes a very good system. Weaknesses The bad thing about this device is it is very costly, it is like buying a Samsung galaxy note 3 for each ambulance, and it uses a sim card which makes the reception, especially in the country side very weak and it becomes very difficult to communicate. It can be abused…show more content…
The fact that it is mounted in the ambulance makes it a little difficult because if the patient if far from the ambulance you will not be able to communicate with your paramedic or whatever resource you are consulting. It is not private so you cannot really discuss a patient’s medical history or anything with regards to a specific patient because many other people on the same channel can hear what you talking…show more content…
ER24 is the most practical system. This system can be used anywhere it will serve the purpose. With regards to its weaknesses, a proper monitoring system must be implemented to regulate its usage, i.e. a register must be put implemented to record data on when, why, and who the android cellular phone was issued to and when is it returned it should be handled similar to the other equipment and instruments on the vehicle. The reason for choosing this system over the old two way radio system is because this system is portable and can accompany the medic to anywhere the patient is located whether it be in the water at a high angle or in a dungant. The cellular phone is not completely unreliable it can communicate over long distances without difficulty in more areas where a two way radio would not be so reliable.

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