Models Of Case Management

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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the models of case management and identify a case for which the model will serve. There are three models of case management: role-based, organization-based, and responsibility-based case management. In role-based case management, the case manager might act as a single point of access for the client and assume a variety of roles as needed. In organization-based case management, the case manager may also act as a single point of access for the client and all of the services may be available in one location. In responsibility-based case management, the focus is on the transition of care from human service professionals to nonprofessionals. . Keywords: case management, models, services…show more content…
Case managers are employed in a range of health care settings and in independent practice. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, case management is one of the fastest growing occupations in our nation. Board-certified case managers number more than 30,000 today (CCMC, 2013). Case managers are uniquely qualified to help close these gaps in care and work collaboratively with other professionals. The text defines case management as a collaborative process which assesses plans, implements, coordinates, monitors and evaluates the options and services to meet an individual's health care needs using community resources available to provide quality and cost-effective outcomes. Many different types of organizations use the case management approach. Hospitals employ a case management process to manage the use of inpatient and outpatient resources. Case management utilizes the best services and activities appropriate for a diagnosis. Managed care organizations (MCOs) use case management to coordinate complex medical care. Historically, MCOs focused on small patient populations with catastrophic conditions that consumed disproportionate health services…show more content…
The work of case managers is often a function of the role they play in service delivery. For example, a case manager who is working as an advocate for his or her clients will often speak on behalf of clients, address issues of inequality and discrimination, work to influence government policy, or serve as a community organizer. The actual work of a case manager as an advocate would be very different from that of a case manager as a counselor. Other roles that case managers commonly assume include broker, coordinator, consultant, planner, problem solver, and record keeper. Many times, a case manager may function primarily in one role but engage in other roles as

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