Happy Life Community Swot Analysis

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SWOT Analysis of site The analysis of Happy life volunteer station used in this report is through a SWOT analysis tool. A SWOT analysis is the identification of strengths and weaknesses within an organization and opportunities and threats that can affect the organization from the outside (Valenit, 2001). It offers an analysis that narrows down the chances of misleading results and considers internal and external factors that could affect the organizations ability to achieve its objectives. Hence, my choice of using a SWOT analysis in this report. Strengths The orphanage home I volunteered at is well established according to me. They have shelter which is one of the most necessary needs. The children have beds, clothes and blankets and the advantage…show more content…
It would be more appropriate if they at least allow the visitors to only see the infants but not to hold them unless they have a medical report. Opportunities Happy life children home is a growing rapidly because in a month they receive close to two children and that makes it twenty-four children in a year. The orphanage has a primary school and after primary it’s a challenge as to where to take the child from there. It would be a great opportunity if the orphanage home considered partnering with high school that provide free education for the orphans. The orphanage home could also establish a high school and college fund program where they encourage donors or sponsors to contribute a commitment fund which is invested in treasury bills or bonds and earns interested which is reinvested. In this way, the orphanage can be able to generate funds to facilitate high school and college expenses for the kids for as long as the fund program is running.…show more content…
We have also witnessed the doctors strike and within that period it become difficult for the orphanage home to take kids to the hospital because free vct centers were on strike and they couldn’t access any services. Learning Experiences/Knowledge Gained Although it was just six weeks, I took each day as an opportunity to learn something new. I have always enjoyed giving back to the community because that’s what my parents taught me from a young age. What made this experience different from what my parents taught me, is that I realized that there is so much more that these kids need other than money, food and clothes. They need love. I have learned that the most priceless gifts in life cannot be bought or weighed in terms of money. Just visiting the home and giving my time means the world to the kids and they showed a lot of appreciation. I have also learned to open my heart more because there are so many people who are challenged by life and often we judge them while all they need is just a hug and a few words of

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