Mixed Farming In Bangladesh

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Appendices : Appendices i. 1. Introduction: Increasing agricultural and livestock production is a very important tool for reducing food insecurity and poverty .There are many routes to increasing production .One route is the adoption of integrated mixed farming-the cultivation of crops and the raising of cattle, small stock (Powell and Williams 1995).Furthermore, It is widely realized that this method is very important for providing additional income and employment to the small scale farmers .The most of advantage in mixed farming systems is, the waste products of one component serve as a resource for the other. For example, manure is used to enhance crop production; crop residues and by-products feed the animals, resulting in improved animal…show more content…
The country is situated in the southern part of Asia, bordered on the west, north and east by India, on the southeast by Myanmar, on the south by the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh economy draws its main strength from the agriculture sector. The sector contributes 19.10% to GDP (at current prices) and employs 50.28% of the labour force. Despite an increase in the shares of fisheries, livestock, and forestry, crop sub-sector alone accounts for 60.83% share of agricultural GDP (BBS, 2008). More than 70% of the population depends on agriculture (Jensen, 2000). Day after day, the average holding of a farm in Bangladesh has been declining and the number of marginal farm has been increased from 4.48% in 1996 to 11.20% in 2005 with an average size of 0.6 ha (BBS, 2009). The land/person ratio, in Bangladesh is only 0.09 ha and values continue to decline due to high population growth (Ali, 1995). The population is expected to increase from 153 million in 2005 to 185 million people by 2020 and 222 million by 2050 (united nations, 2008). With increasing pressure from the growing human population, only vertical expansion is possible by integrating appropriate farming components, resulting in improving food security. Farming in Bangladesh also is an integrated production system comprising crops, livestock, fisheries and Agroforestry. Farmers in this country produce diversified products to meet household needs. Different…show more content…
This season is also called the rainy season. The second season extends from Oct-Dec. This season is the period when most of vegetable crops attain maturity and are harvested. In areas where there is irrigation and residual moisture, a few crops such as wheat, maize, mustard, grass pea etc. crops are planted in this season. The third season is from Jan-Jun which is known by dry season. This season is the period when most of cereal crops were harvested. 3.3.2 Types of crop produced and household growing crops in the study area Figure 9.% of Households Cultivating Major Crops In this study area, farmers were produced rice, wheat, maize, potato, tomato, mustard, sesame and different kinds of horticultural crop. Examining the table, all farmers grow rice which can be explained that rice is the staple food in that area. Farmers also produced maize, potato, pulse and horticultural crops, although the farmer allocated to these crops is minor (Figure 9). Most of the farmers reported that the decline in soil fertility, increasing soil salinity along with the high price of inputs has led to yield problems for agricultural

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