Strategic Planning In Healthcare

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According Rev Esp Cardiol (2012), strategic planning is a process that can allows us to both study and conduct simulations of the future. The process can show hidden opportunities or threats and providing the way to apply on them early. Thus, it is a living, dynamic document. It drives your business and must be integrated into every fiber of your organization so every employee helps move the company in the same direction. Strategic planning gives a clear framework with criteria for us to make day-to-day decisions. It also helps to identify fragmentary and unaligned choices and personal value judgments. This strategic planning encourages the commitment of the entire Healthcare Organization in order to achieve the planned results and this is…show more content…
Shifts and some changes in the healthcare industry can affect every sector including outpatient clinics, , long-term care facilities, acute care hospitals and so on. Something like the well published health reform implementation present challenges for providers on a variety of levels be their financial, operational, or otherwise. Those healthcare which absence of strategic planning actually is the best way for an organization to ensure a negative outcome. A lack of financial sustainability resulting from a ‘trial and error’ approach rather than a due appliction focused healthcare strategic planning process. Next, to establish the sustainability of their health or medical services organization, they did not properly vet their plans or even once prepare a valid financial feasibility…show more content…
Reed (2013), there are multiple internal benefits a hospital can realize from a strategic planning process, plan development and implementation which are clarity amongst chaos, operating in vision, not circumstances, employee motivation and engagement, transformational leadership and accountability and organizational collaboration. One of the benefits of strategic planning in healthcare is discovering you were wrong. According Dr. Gunter G. Fuchs (2012), strategic planning in healthcare shows the financial sustainability of the project as planned. Whatever, there are more successful than the original idea which many times a diligent strategic planning process will find alternatives, other healthcare or medical services, likely to be. All of this is precious information to have discovered before committing more time and money to any given project as originally
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