Importance Of Human Resource Management In Healthcare

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Human Resource Management in the healthcare system operates no different than in other industries. Its activities include recruitment and selection, training and development, appraisal, compensation and employee relations. However, what makes it special is that it entails strategic managerial activities geared at attracting, developing and maintaining a workforce with specialized skills who are critical to healthcare organizations meeting their service deliverables now and in the future. As the domestic and global environments in which healthcare organizations operate change and they strive to become or remain competitive, they have also become more Human Resource focus to attract the quality personnel they need to meet their strategic objectives in providing quality healthcare services. Organizations are reinventing themselves to match the demands of the environment in which they operate, and strategic human resource planning is what is being used to achieve this. Human Resource functions not only support the daily operational needs of the organizations, it also develops strategies to ensure the organization’s sustainability,…show more content…
The move to develop global standards in the quality of healthcare due to migration of health professional can lead to quality healthcare being offered anywhere in the world and price may become the deciding factor for patients. Countries such as the United State may see further shifts in the healthcare workforce as workers migrate to other countries to join institutions that specialize in this form of care. The advantage however is that patients with limited income may be able to afford the healthcare they need. Also, countries, especially developing ones can benefit economically by developing this emerging niche and building their specialty

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