Behaviourism Theory

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Introduction: This assignment is about behaviourism and the two major learning theories of it. Moreover, I have included the explanation for how the two major theories and the sub theories that can be applied in the real world of teaching. The two major learning theories are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Behaviourism Behaviourism also known as the behaviourist approach which concerns about the behavior that can be observed. According to this theory learning is based on the idea that all the behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning is a result of the interaction with environment. This theory is highly concerned with the external behavior. All the behavior is learned through classical or operant conditioning.…show more content…
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): The one which naturally triggers a response. For example if the sound of a slow music makes us sleepy, then this music is unconditioned stimulus. 2. Unconditioned Response (UCR): It is the unintentional reaction that occurs when the person is triggered by the unconditioned stimulus. In the above mentioned example, it is the feeling of sleepiness in response to the sound of the slow music. 3. Conditioned Stimulus (CS): It is the neutral signal that, after being paired with the unconditioned stimulus, makes the conditioned response happen. If we repeatedly see a certain video with slow music, then eventually this video would trigger the conditioned response (sleepiness). Consequently this video would be the conditioned stimulus. 4. Conditioned Response (CR): This is the learned response to a conditioned stimulus. How to apply classical conditioning in real life teaching: Example 1: Classical conditioning can be applied in the class room to make the environment friendly and pleasant for the students to overcome their fears. Mostly many students have fear of speaking in the public. To overcome this fear, teachers can pair public speaking with pleasant surroundings. As a result students will learn to stay calm and much more relaxed while presenting and…show more content…
o Positive Reinforcement: This is a pleasant or favorable outcome that are done or shown after the behavior. This strengthens the behavior. Reinforcement can be in the form of praising or rewards.  Example: If a student got the highest marks in the class teacher can reward him/her by giving awards, stars or even chocolates. This will make the student work hard the second time to get the rewards again. o Negative Reinforcement: this is the removal of an unpleasant event after the behavior is presented. This is even increases the behavior.  Punishment: Punishment is totally opposite to reinforcement. Here the occurrence of the response is likely going to decrease when a stimulus follows a response. o Punishment by application: It is the addition of unfavorable stimulus to weaken a response.  Example: When two students continuously talking while the teacher is explaining, the teacher can warn them not to
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