Strabismus Case Study

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REFERENCES 1. Alec M. Ansons and Helen Davis (2001 3rd edition) Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorder. Blackwell Science Ltd pp. 2. David Pickwell (1989 2nd edition) Binocular Vision Anomalies Investigation and Treatment. Butterworth & Co Ltd pp 3. Elizabeth E. Caloroso and Michael W. Rouse (1993 1st edition???) Clinical Management of Strabismus. Butterworth-Heinemann 4. Roper-Hall, Gill. American Orthoptic Journal. 2005, Vol. 55, p144-157. 14p. Abstract: The relationship between prisms and lenses can be an asset in the management of strabismus 5. Arthur L. Rosenbaum and Alvina Pauline Santiago (1999) Clinical Strabismus Management: Principle and Surgical Techniques. W.B Saunders Company 6. Erik M. Weissberg (2004) Essentials…show more content…
Case history following a full proper eye examination will help detect if the patient has a strabismus or pseudostrabismus (a false appearance of crossed eyes). Even though the history will help give indication of the presence and the type of strabismus however the main methods of detection are as follows, Observation of the patient’s appearance( head position), observation of the position of the corneal reflections and the cover test1 . The overview of diagnostic evaluation can be as follow Case History, diagnostic test sequence of which include (visual acuity, refraction, monocular fixation, deviation variables, correspondence, sensory motor fusion, visual efficiency) Diagnostic summary, Management plan such as prognosis, patient/parent consultation following motivation3. Major areas of case history to help diagnose strabismus are chief complaint, symptoms, onset, eye history, family eye history and patient or parent goals. Most common chief complaints include the following cosmetic appearance (cosmesis), failing the school vision screening, closing one eye in the bright sun, head turn or tilts, excessive blinks and rubbing of the eyes, family history of strabismus, second opinion about another practitioner’s management plan3. Patient can also report seeing double (diplopia), eyestrain, and reduced visual

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