Wilson's Model Of Information Behaviour

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Theoretical Framework To explain students’ preference of choosing Google Scholar as their first step of information search, Wilson's model of information behaviour (1981) will be used. Wilson's model of information behaviour is proposed by T.D. Wilson in 1981 investigating the process of information seeking. The model starts with the perceived information need of users. Then, they will try to seek information from formal (information systems) and informal sources (other information sources). Users may find what they want to know successfully. At some point, users will need to “use” the information they found in different forms, for example, they may use it in a paper or they may exchange information with others. During the process of “use”,…show more content…
When students encounter any difficulties in their study (perceived information need), they will try to read printed materials in the library and search the online resouces (Formal sources) or ask their classmates, lecturers and friends (informal sources) (George et al., 2006). After getting answers from different sources, they will try to ”use” the information. Students may try to include the information they get in their presentations, assignments or tests. They may also try to exchange information with other students through study groups. After the process of using information, students will evaluate whether the information get from the search result satisfies their information need. If students are satisfied with what the information they get, they will try to think based on the information they get and generate a new search. If students are not satisfied with the information they get, they will try to modify their searching strategies and search again. In some cases, students may realise that their information seeking strategies are not good enough to satisfy their information need. They may try to seek information to improve their information seeking skills by consulting professional experts or attending workshops provided by…show more content…
Why do students show preference towards Internet resources? The preference of students on e-resources can be explained by “Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)” by Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw in 1989. In this model, scholars emphasised on the “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use” of the technology to be evaluated. Perceived usefulness is defined as the individuals’ expectation that using a specific information system will help their job performance. Perceived ease of use refers to the perception of effort spent in using a specific information system. Percieved usefulness and perceived ease of use will have influence on attitude and behaviour. If users perceived a positive results, they will form intention to use the system (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989). Figure 2 Technology Acceptance Model

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