Storage Box Case Study

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2. Lean Business Model Canvas 2.1 Problem Identification The problem that has been identified is that packing things to where they are supposed to be can be very tedious. Through research, there are all kinds of storage boxes available in the market, but not many help in improving the efficiency of keeping things. Especially packing of children’s toys, there can be many small pieces of toys which can take a lot of time and effort when it comes to packing them. On top of that, storage box does help to keep the toys neatly but the box take up space. Even though most of the box is design in a way that can stack on top of one another. But still, we need a place to keep the storage boxes. With the scarcity of space, as it is said that the average HDB flat in Singapore has shrunk over the years with its limited land available and the change in household sizes. In other words, space in new flat especially, is very limited. 2.2 Customer Segment 2.2.1 Segmentation Bases Demographics Age Group The age group of our target segment are adults who are parents of young children who also need to interact and take care of them. After their child finish playing with the toys, parents would pack and clear up after them after the mess they have made. This would indicate that they would need to…show more content…
Also, close to 80% of the respondents mentioned that they find it tedious to clean up the mess made by children and sometimes may take up to 20 minutes to clear the mess. These responses further supports the problem that we have identified of tidying and cleaning up mess made by

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