Factors Affecting Customer Retention

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What are The Reasons that Affect Customer Retention in the Construction Industry of Maldives? Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES 3 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Research Background 4 2 RESEARCH AIM & OBJECTIVES 5 2.1 Research Objectives 5 3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 5 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 4.1 Definitions of Key Concepts 6 4.1.1 Customer Retention 6 4.1.2 Corporate Image 6 4.1.3 Quality 6 4.1.4 Project Management 7 4.1.5 Relationship with the Customer 7 4.2 Critical Review of Theories and Models Regarding Factors that Influence Customer Retention 7 4.2.1 Theories Regarding Customer Retention 8 4.2.2 Assimilation-Contrast Theory 8 4.2.3 Theory of Negativity 8 4.2.4 Cognitive Dissonance Theory 8 4.2.5 Review of Models Regarding…show more content…
Figure 1 Conceptual Model of determinants of relationship commitment, Patterson and Sharma, 1999, p. 156 4.3.6 Holistic approach to satisfaction, Trust and Switching Barriers Ranaweera and Prabhu (2003) drafted a holistic approach that examines the combined effects of the three variables; satisfaction, trust and switching barriers on customer retention. The authors here define customer retention as the propensity for customers to stay with their service provider. The framework provided has two functions;  Examine the main effects of the three variables on customer retention independently  Examine the interaction effects that trust and switching barriers has on customer retention in the presence of satisfaction. 4.3.7 The Convention…show more content…
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