The Importance Of Landscape Photography

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The one thing that all photography genres have in common is emotion whether it is the person in the photograph giving it, or the feeling that the viewers get when they look at any photograph. There is always that one common aspect of it. Portraiture and landscape photography is the goal here for me, to look into how artists aim to get that emotion and how they go about getting it from their models. Photographers that I look into for this project will be based on the feeling that I get from looking at their work and the common feeling that is in every single shot of theirs. This emotion is ‘Loneliness’. Capturing the right emotion, especially in portraits is so important. You cannot expect a viewer to be interested if they don’t feel a connection to the photograph. It is very well known that your emotional state can make a large impact on your results. When photographing portraits it…show more content…
I have looked at photography books on landscape, it was called perspective on places theory and practice in landscape photography going through it I found some tips on shutter speed and about the framing sizes as, I will be getting it out again before I start shooting to revise what I read before. Another book which I have read before is called Inside the Photograph: writing on twentieth-century photography, I read this book as it has information about Michael Kenna and had some more insight about his work. I will be reading it again to add to my artist research and for referencing in my overall project, I will be looking into a few portrait based books, one of them will definitely would be Francesca Woodman because of her haunting self-portraits, and the emotions people feel when looking at her work, my aim with the book is not to copy her work or style but just to use the images in there to help me try get that emotion that she has in every

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