Packard Electric Case Study

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During the research and analysis several problems were identified. These problems were categorised in behavioural, structural and operational strategies. The key problems identified will be analysed further in this document. Behavioural Strategy • Poor leadership • Lack of team motivation and morale • Inadequate and ineffective communication Structural Strategy • Poor business strategy • No proper structure was defined • Lack of programme and project management office Operational Strategy • Poor supply chain management - Lack of supplier relationship - Lack of customer relationship management - Lack of quality management and control • Lack of operational management strategy • Lack of human resource management • Lack of feasibility study on…show more content…
There were no firm indications that Management of Packard Electric knew what the views were of foreign markets about their organisation. No coherent strategy had been established and the case study indicated that the decision to gain worldwide respect was an impulsive reaction to the environment, rather than a carefully thought out business objective. Additionally the immediate operational focus was that NUMMI had already requested units for the pilot prototype vehicle to be shipped in four months. According to Miles and Snow companies in the reactor strategic type are usually unsuccessful and fail to anticipate or influence environmental events. Managers in this strategic type are unable to react and respond efficiently and…show more content…
• Hastily manner in which the Rio Bravo IV plant was created. • The plant manager and his team were unskilled. Inexperienced team to handle a season customer with high quality products and hardly spoke the foreign language. • Lack of customer focus. • Lack of team motivation. • Lack of General Manager support and/or motivation. • There was no plan in place, such as, the project team did not exist at all, and no capacity planning as the employees were not equipped to deal with the quality production required by the customer. • The location was never considered as to what effect it might have to the customer. • There existed cultural differences form the company owners, the factory location and workers, including the main customer, namely the U.S.A., Mexico and Japan. 4 Recommendations 4.1 Operational Strategy 4.1.1 Implement supply chain

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