Examples Of Cognitive Appraisal Theory

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ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR ASSIGNMENT-1 Reg No: 151202053 One of my experience is related to “Cognitive appraisal theory given by Richard Lazarus”. This theory states that people’s experience of emotion depends on the way they appraise or evaluate the events around them. It’s about how people see situations or else the perspective towards something and how they feels after that. During the last year of my bachelor’s degree, along with my friends I attended many placements. But I couldn’t make through any of them, even though I cleared the first round of every interview (aptitude test). This made me very sad and emotionally very down. On that time I thought of appearing for MAT exam and I appeared the same. I got 96 percentile in MAT. After getting…show more content…
I was continuously checking my mail box to know any updates about the results. I was very tensed during the three days after interview. On the fourth day I got the admission offer letter from SOM and I was very happy. This experience of mine tells that, a situation can be treated in many ways. It is according to the mindset or perspective of people. Here in my case, after the GD&PI all other candidates where very happy and relieved. But I was not, because of my past experience of getting rejected. But the fact is that, our perspective won’t the right always. In this case my perspective was I won’t get selected here. But it went wrong. And my thought of getting rejected every time went and a new perspective towards situations came into…show more content…
Till then I had only analytical papers to study. I was very poor in theory subjects. I didn’t gave much importance that subject because it was theory. But unfortunately I failed in that subject in that semester. It worried me a lot. And in the fourth semester I had another theory paper other than all analytical paper. So I was very tensed and scared. Because I had a regular paper on that semester and an arrear paper of previous semester. That too theory papers. I was really worried about the exams. I couldn’t concentrate and study. I was thinking about the two subjects throughout the semester and I was very much afraid due to the previous semester experience. And I started studying the subjects. My all happiness was suppressed by the fear of that two subjects. And during the exam days also I was very much afraid about the subjects. And I attended the exam with some confidence and I tried my best in studying and gave the exam as I could. And after the exam days I couldn’t be happy or enjoy due to the thought of that subjects. My all positive emotions were suppressed by the negative emotions (fear,
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