Staffing Structure Analysis

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Task One In this assignment I will describe the staffing structures of The Winkler hotel, their contracts and what they entitle, their workplace and ethics as well as their motivational rewarding program and how their supervisors take orders from their manager. Brief background and history of The Winkler Hotel: The Winkler hotel was built in 1963 and had their last renovations in 2008. They had undergone a R26.4 million refurbishment, giving all 87 rooms a total makeover. This hotel is based on the Winkler family who has been traced back to the 13th century in Switzerland. In the following decades the Winkler’s settled in Austria and eventually in Germany. According to US federal census data, Hubert and John Winkler immigrated to the US…show more content…
Some issues and also positive ideas within the business (department). Managers are generally responsible for the performance of their different departments and they usually look at all the operations from a global view. But like at The Winkler they need someone that they call sub-supervisors to handle the internal operations as there are too much for one person to handle. The manager give the orders and the supervisors have to make sure that the orders are performed within the departments. At The Winkler they have the general manager, Warren Stone who they gives orders to the second in demand who then divides all the orders into the same categories, and hand them out to the head of each department. That is the most important responsibility for the managers because if the orders aren’t given out they will get into big trouble. Managers have to always make sure everything happens smoothly. They have to motivate and delicate their co-workers. Basic responsibilities are to plan, and direct operations in a company/departments/divisions. They have to delegate and allocate working duties to employees such as supervisors. Once all duties are planned and allocated, it is the supervisor’s responsibility to make sure all the department heads knows what to do and know how to perform the operations. They are also responsible to…show more content…
Marriott rewards is one of the largest hospitality rewarding programs in the world as they have over 45 million members. Using this rewarding system is the ideal link between motivation and productivity. Members gets rewarded for their hard and dedicated work and because of this great rewards that can be won/received, they get so determined to work hard and do more than what is asked of then in order to receive this amazing reward. Other than this rewards, they do lots of internal rewarding to. They send out questionnaires, which is filled in by the staff and then processed to determine an employee of the month and also at the end of the year they choose an employee of the year. This keeps them motivated because they also what to get this award and achievement. They also do the barbeque every end of the month in which all the staff comes together, interact with each other and just relax with their co-workers. As mentioned in our CTH notes, this is a typical form of expectancy theory of motivation/rewarding. (Stone,
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