Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited

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1.1 Rationale of the Study Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is a mega corporation and a leading telecommunication authority in the State of Pakistan. The corporation provides and enforces policies for the telephone services nation-wide and is the backbone for country’s telecommunication infrastructure despite the arrival of a dozens of other telecommunication corporations including Telenor and China mobile ltd. The corporation manages and operates around 2000 telephone exchange across the country, providing the largest fixed line network, data and backbone services such as GSM, CDMA, Broadband internet, IPV are an increasing part of its business. ( This study has been carried out to investigate the major…show more content…
1.4 Research Objectives The objectives of this research are as follows:  To have an understanding of low productivity at PTCL due to over crowdedness.  To explore, that lack of communication with higher level of management of employees at (PTCL) is causing the problem of low productivity.  To analyze that low productivity is being caused by work environment and employee dissatisfaction at PTCL.  To investigate that rigid schedules at PTCL are leading to low productivity. 1.5 Hypothesis: Dependent variable: Low productivity Independent variables are: Over crowdedness, Lack of communication, inadequate work environment and Rigid schedules. 1 Null hypothesis H0: Low productivity of employees is not due to the over crowdedness in the organization. Alternate hypothesis Ha: Low productivity of employees is due to the over crowdedness in the organization. 2. Null hypothesis H0: Low productivity of employees is not due to the lack of communication with top level management. Alternate hypothesis Ha: Low productivity of employees is due to the lack of communication with top level management 3. Null…show more content…
First of all, this report will give an overview of the profile of PTCL Pakistan, its mission and vision statements and objectives. Secondly, it would be discussing PTCL’s organizational structure, managerial functions, planning functions, staffing procedures, leading and controlling functions. Following this is the SWOT analysis and competitor’s comparative analysis of the organization. The report will then highlight the research problem in detail with the help of the data collected through the survey conducted with the employees of PTCL. The data will be used to analyze and test the hypothesis and provide relevant recommendations to PTCL for improving the productivity of its employees. 1.6.1 Research Design: The research technique applied is exploratory research to identify a problem at Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited and descriptive research has been used to collect information about the problem that has been identified and its reasons. In this descriptive research, survey method has been used to collect data. 1.6.2 Target population: The target population for this study includes 200 employees of the Mall Branch, which will be targeted for carrying out the

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