Control Systems In Business Management

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Introduction The word control has numerous meanings and different connotations, many of which are not applicable to the field of management. Within this scope, the term management control was introduced by Anthony who defined it as the process of assuring that resources are obtained and used effectively and efficiently in the accomplishment of the organisation’s objectivesThe purpose of the research paper is to highlight the management control systems of large companies and their stories on success and failures. The paper is been based on the previous research conducted. The management control systems had the study on the following parameters A way manager can document their organization's objectives A way manager can document their organizational…show more content…
At Enel the headquarters coordinates all these activities, defines the strategic objectives and oversees their achievement, at Fiat the organizational structure is formed by divisions, whose chiefs are evaluated on economic results and cash flows, at telecom italia objectives are set through a combination of the coordinated explanation prepared by the corporate function and the target prepared by different divisions, at Unicredit planning and control were the main functions. First of all, it will analyse the concept of management control and the need for control systems in organisations. Next, it will conduct a historical revision of the different trends in the literature on control systems in organisations, in accordance with their common characteristics. The term control has different connotations depending upon the context of the use of the term. In manufacturing it refers to a Device or mechanism installed or instituted to guide or regulates the activities or operation of an apparatus, machine, person, or system; in law it refers to controlling interest and in…show more content…
According to him strategic planning is the function for setting goals, strategies, and policies of an organization, while tasks control is the task that is used to ensure that specified tasks are carried out as planned. Similarly, in the earlier literature, MCS mainly concerned on certain activities such as; planning, coordination, communication, feedback/feed-forward, decision-making and influencing people to achieve organizational goal. Control environment is the control function that is related to the general atmosphere of the organizational culture and system which provides the platform to the other control procedures such as: control process. In addition, without establishing a concrete MCS environment control, organizational process control will be complicated and may not function properly as it lacks the appropriate control atmosphere. The MCS process control is mostly employed to measure the quantifiable aspects of an organization though it does not deal with the non-quantifiable issues in the organization’s activities. MCS is a complex tool that cannot be understood in isolation from its organizational and social circumstance. The three studies were explorative investigations and applied a qualitative method of analysis, because little has been written on this particular topic. The primary purpose of this literature review

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