Strategic Enterprise Architecture Modeling

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1.2 Strategic Enterprise Architectures Modeling The development of a strategic enterprise architecture framework requires the development of a set of components that characterize the enterprise architecture. These components include the definition of enterprise modeling language which is structured in terms of motivational and behavioral perspectives, the specification of modeling guidelines to guide the development of models in such language and the selection of automated analysis and decision-making techniques to be performed with such enterprise models. In order to motivate the characteristics of a given strategic enterprise language, its methodology and automated reasoning, we introduce the motivating example of the metal manufacturing…show more content…
In practice, company’s management process is performed by exercising five overall functions (management functions) which consist of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling [153, 51, 34]. Among the five management functions, the planning function is the first and one of the most crucial activities for the enterprise as it enables the company to plan for the future. In practice, it involves setting up organization’s goals (motivational concepts) and allocating actions and resources (behavioral concepts) to achieve such goals, providing a sense of direction and unity of purpose for the organization and its sub-systems [153, 51]. Figure 1.1 depicts the basic steps of the enterprise planning…show more content…
First, the metal manufacturing company is interested in visualizing the social interactions carried out among its members with external members, like suppliers, logistics distributors and retailers. With such global overview, managers intend to understand the overall chain of company’s processes, how they deliver value to the final customers and how they enable the achievement of lower-level goals. Second, managers are also interested in understanding and visualizing the interactions among its own internal organizational members (roles and departments) to achieve its lower level goals. For example, the sales manager - region 1 has to interact with the salesperson to achieve its goals (e.g., “work with salesperson to visit one customer each day” operational goals from the sales manager - region 1). Furthermore, besides interactions with other members to achieve goals, the visualization of operational steps would also help the company to understand issues related to goal

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