Boeing 787 Case Study

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1. Introduction Boeing commercial airplanes has took on a project to manufacture the boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft. However, problems occurs throughout the manufacturing process and after the aircraft was manufactured. Aircrafts was overweight and technical issues causing delays and losses of billions of dollars. Problems with landing gear and lithium-ion batteries arise after the aircraft went on service. Hairline cracks are found in the wings during manufacturing. And engine shut down and loses its power after running for too long. In order to minimise these problem, boeing should implement their risk management process more efficiently, so that they are able to identify the problems and solve it in the shorter time. This report will be…show more content…
As it is the first time using lithium-ion batteries for the construction of 787 dreamliner and it is unfavourably known for overheating and causing fire. BRMT should be able to identify the risk of batteries getting overheated in the beginning of project. And this will be able to prepared Boeing in solving the electrical systems problem cause be the batteries. Also, while discussing about the external area, BRMT should be able to identify integration and supply chain risk. Boeing is implementing the new tier structure of have the tier 1 partners to assemble different parts and subsystem developed by tier 2 and 3 partners. And there might be a possibility that the tier 1 partners may not understand the know-how of the tier 2 and 3 partners causes a delay in delivering (Denning, 2013). By identifying this problem, it will be able to prepared Boeing in solving the delay cause by sub-assembly and…show more content…
A contingency plan is an alternative plan to carry out if the risk arises. Boeing is able to implement a contingency planning for the integration and supply chain risk of using tier structure. BRMT should place a group of employees on stand by to do the integration and assembling of parts if this risk occurred. This should not be a problem as Boeing already have the technicians to do this in the manufacturing of the earlier aircrafts. It can be triggered if the tier 1 partners are unable to finished their job within two weeks. This could solve the problems of having to delays due to sub-assembly and procurement and to reduce the loss due to

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