Sound Language In English Pronunciation

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Although our subjects are all postgraduate students which are exposed to native-like pronunciation and were so conscious in reading the text given, many of them found it difficult to produce the sounds as accurate as possible. Had it been they were subconscious in their normal and natural use of language, the problems in sound production might be more noticeable. Accordingly, we discovered that 5 English fricatives (/θ/,/ᶞ/,/f/,/v/,/Ʒ/) pose problems to the participants while other fricatives (/ʃ/(symbolised as /sh/)), /s/, /z/, /h/ were produced without hurdles. For instance, /θ/ is substituted with the sound of /t/. /ᶞ/ is substituted with /d/. /v/ is changed with /b/. /Ʒ/ is replaced with /dᴣ/ which symbolised as /j/. All the sounds that…show more content…
However, in respect to voiceless bilabial plosive /ɸ/, it is articulated the same way with bilabial plosives, that is, through upper lip and lower lip. This sound does not occur in English, but is available in Hausa language Jagar (2001). Thus, the sound symbolised by /f/ in English is produced by placing the upper front teeth against the lower lip. When they become apart, the sound is formed. This means, in producing this sound, the lips move close to each other. Other dialects of Hausa sometimes their lips become attached together by producing /p/. Therefore, Hausa sound orthographically written ‘f ‘is not produced like English ‘f ‘. In Hausa ‘f ‘is a bilabial sound which symbolised as /ɸ/. Hence, the constriction of the lips to some Hausa speaker is so tight that ‘f ‘sound very much like English ‘p’ eg fara=grasshopper, fili=open place. In terms of English plosive sounds, the result has shown that none of the participants found all the six (/p/,…show more content…
As a result, Hausa speakers pronounce most English words that have consonant clusters the same as Hausa words, that is, by insertion. Studies have shown that in studies of production and second language acquisition, it is generally assumed that when speakers produce a vowel between the consonants in a sequence that is phonotactically an error in the native language, it is a result of the phonological insertion of a vowel (e.g., Tarone 1987; Broselow and Finer 1991, Hancin-Bhatt and Bhatt 1998; Davidson, Jusczyk, and Smolensky, 2003). For instance, Tarone (1987) carried out a study on Korean speakers learning English and found that Korean speakers learning English repaired [stop+liquid] clusters by inserting a schwa between the two consonants and the same problem occurs to Hausa

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