Introduction: Monetary Policy It is a procedure attempted by the national bank, cash board or the administration to control the accessibility of cash and its supply and also the financing costs on advances and the measure of bank stores. Its objectives incorporate tending to the issue of unemployment, keep up adjust in return rates and balance out the economy. The previous builds the supply of cash by bringing financing costs on credits down to urge organizations to grow to lessen the quantity
The advertising industry in Nigeria is a very diverse and untapped industry. The industry is highly dependent on the marketing budget of brands and sub-brands. Technology has increased the medium through which advertising can be channeled and this development has had both positive and negative impact on the industry as a whole. Noah’s Ark Communications Ltd is a reputable advertising agency and a member of AAAN (Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria). It is categorized as a small- medium
made capital liberalization impossible. United states was the very first country took advantage of capital account liberalization. as after the collapse of Bretton Woods system, dollar was no longer set to gold and Federal Reserve started inflation targeting policy, meaning Federal Reserve of US could issue more money to prevent deflation. Hereafter US turned from a supporter of capital controls as a promoter of capital
Development is often described as the social transformation from traditional ways into embracing modernity. In the 1960s, many of the states in Southeast Asia experienced an accelerated social and economic growth which was pioneered by Japan. The Japanese economy was considered number one and its economic model was hailed as an example for other developing countries to follow. This essay will describe and analyze the economic changes Japan has gone through in the last century. According to Jorgenson
Poverty is defined as a condition where the people does not meet there basic necessities of life or does not have the meagre necessities, i.e., mainly, food, clothing and shelter. The World Bank (2000), defines poverty as’ pronounced deprivation in well-being’. This definition pops up the idea of well – being. One approach is to think of ones well-being as the command over commodities or the command over resources and also if a person is better off over that or not. In this view, the main focus
1. Introduction 1.1 Description In the last few years, wearing a hair ornament to an event has become something very popular. However, if we take our look back, we will see that they were already typical in the 20s with Charleston’s headbands or during 30s with the designs introduced by Channel. Nowadays, this fashion has come back and as it is said in the fashion world, it is a “must” to wear one to a wedding or even to a party. Diadème is a company specialized on manufacturing and selling low
CHAPTER TWO: CASE STUDY: AN ANALYSIS OF THE FISCAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EQUITY BANK, THE WOMEN'S ENTERPRISE FUND AND WOMEN IN THE INFORMAL SECTOR . Female economic empowerment is influenced by access to finance and capital. This chapter seeks to analyze the extent of this assertion by critically assessing information attained through fieldwork across the aforementioned financial institutions and among women in the informal sector. The fieldwork was carried out over a period of two weeks within