Software Engineering Literature Review

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A REVIEW ON SOFTWARE QUALITY IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Kiruthika.S1,Karuppusamy.S2 1M.E.Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering Nandha Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India 2Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nandha Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India, ABSTRACT In software engineering Software Quality is one important concern. The quality of the software refers to two related but distinct notions that exist wherever quality is defined in a business context: Software functional quality reflects how well it complies with or conforms to a given design based on functional requirements or specifications. Software structural quality refers…show more content…
[11], to improve the quality of software while software external behaviour remains unchanged then an effective method is introduced. Few refactoring result might be in poor software quality and delayed refactorings may incur higher refactoring cost. In this paper a monitor-based instant refactoring framework proposed and it is mainly used to drive inexperienced software engineers to conduct more refactorings promptly. 5.12. Detection and diagnosis of functional faults in object oriented software Lionel C. Briand et al. [12], DbC method is proposed and it is used and it is mainly focused on the interfaces between components and to produce better quality object-oriented software. Effort is measured the contract complexity measure through indirectly. Main results include that contracts of a realistic level of completeness and complexity can detect around 76 percent of faults and reduce the diagnosis effort. DbC can be applied to improve the quality of the software. 5.13. Optimal weighted combinational model for software reliability estimation and…show more content…
Comparison of the various methods 6. CONCLUSIONS In this survey various methods and techniques are used to increase the quality in each software development lifecycle such as coding, design, testing, maintenance. Using the above techniques we can also achieving the good quality of software. REFERENCES [1] H. James Nelson, Geert Poels, Marcela Genero, Mario Piattini “A conceptual modeling quality framework,” Journal of Software Quality, March 2012, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp 201-228 [2] WaelKessentini, MarouaneKessentini, HouariSahraoui, Slim Bechikh, “An Approach for Code-Smell Detection,” IEEE Transactions, September 2014 [3] NaeemEsfahani, Sam Malek,Ahmed, and Elkhodary, “A Feature-Oriented Self-Adaptive Systems and Software,” IEEE Transactions, November 2013 [4] Postolos Ampatzogloua, Georgia Frantzes koub, Ioannis Stamelosa,“ The impact design patterns on software quality,”Information and Software Technology , Issue 4, April 2012, Pages 331–346 [5] TihanaGalinacGrbac,Per Runeson and DarkoHuljenic, “A Quantitative Analysis of Fault Distributions in Complex Software systems,”IEEE Transactions, No. 4, April 2013 [6] Dept. of Inf. Process. Sci., Univ. of Oulu, Oulu, Finland,Bener,“ A Decision-Making process in Software Engineering,”IEEE Transactions, Issue: 6,30 April

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