Advantages And Disadvantages Of Data Mining

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Students’ Performance Prediction using Enhanced Data Mining Techniques Dharani L,Indumathi V,AshmitaRenu C J and Akshay Kumar S L Computer Science and Engineering, K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Computer Science and Engineering, K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Computer Science and Engineering, K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Computer Science and Engineering, K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India ABSTRACT: Data mining methodology has a tremendous contribution for researchers to extract the hidden knowledge and…show more content…
Although data mining is still in its youth, companies in a broad range of industries - including Retail, Finance, Health Care, Manufacturing Transportation, and Aerospace - are already using data mining tools and techniques to take advantage of chronological data by using example identification technologies, statistical and mathematical techniques to sift through warehouse information, data mining helps analysts recognize significant facts, relationships, trends, patterns, exceptions etc., Data mining is the investigation venture of the "Learning Discovery in database". It is an interdisciplinary subfield of software engineering and the computational procedure of finding examples in huge data sets Classification is a data mining strategy used to anticipate bunch participation for data occasions. Learning experience refers to any interaction, course, program, or other experience in which learning takes place, whether it occurs in traditional academic settings (college classrooms) or non-traditional settings (outside-of-college locations, outdoor environments), or whether it includes traditional educational interactions (students learning from teachers and professors).The college students are suffer from lack of understanding, lack of motivation and work pressure (documentation/subject understanding) and financial issues. The students learning experience is leave for less and students…show more content…
That is because of its improvement in educational institutes. In this paper that use students data to analyze their learning behavior to predict their performance. Using discovered association rules, rules are sorted using lift metric method. Then applying two way classification methods which are rule induction and naive Bayesian classifier to predict the grade and performance of students.In this area; Describing the improvement results of applying the data mining methods to the data, for each of the four data mining tasks; text preprocessing, word stemming, key point localization using smo, descriptor generation using vocabulary tree,bow representation and get the benefit from the discovered and applied

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