Rain Monitoring System Case Study

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SMART CROP MONITORING SYSTEM Author : Niranjan Akolkar Department : Electronics & Telecommunication Organization : MIT College of Engineering City,Country : Pune, India Email Id : niranjanakolkar@gmail.com Author : Prathamesh Phadke Department : Electronics & Telecommunication Organization : MIT College of Engineering City,Country : Pune, India Email Id : prathameshphadke46@gmail.com Author : Shama Ramteke Department : Electronics & Telecommunication Organization : MIT College of Engineering City,Country : Pune, India Email Id : shamaramteke@gmail.com I. INTRODUCTION…show more content…
Immediately ,a roof like structure i.e. Awning System encloses the Crop field by motor operation. Rained water is collected in a storage tank.Then after according to requirement of crop,stored water is used for irrigation with flow meter action. CASE 1 : PART II In this part of the same case,rainfall is checked by sensor for the Threshold Level If the rainfall is still above Threshold level,roof is closed.For rainfall below Threshold level,controller operates motor for opening the Roof structure with the motor action. CASE 2 : This case covers the condition that rain sensor detects the rainfall below Threshold level.If this situation occurs no indication is given to controller. VIII. IMPLEMENTATION OF SYSTEM The implementation of system will be carried out in following steps: 1. The hardware component testing will carried out in an open field. 2. Rain sensor and Flow meter will be tested according to the default testing methods provided by the manufacturer. 3. The design will be simulated using software such as Proteus. 4. Prototype crop field with area 1 to 2 sq.m. approximately will be used for the project

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