Should Humans Be Cloned

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For years, people thought of clones as mere science fiction. Only existing in the realm of cinema and literature. Simply no one thought it possible, but this all changed July 5th 1996 when Dolly was successfully fabricated. Albeit Dolly was a sheep, this was still a huge step for mankind, the once impossible was now possible. This event raised multitudes of questions, but the most influential one was “ Can Humans Be Cloned?” This question sparked the fire that still rages on today among scholars everywhere,“ Should Humans Be Cloned?” Before we can look at the ethics involved , we must look at the science involved. There are three types of cloning; gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. The most controversial of the three is reproductive cloning. This is the only process that has the potential to create an identical human being. The way reproductive cloning works is a complicated process in which scientists remove a mature somatic cell from the animal they wish to copy. A somatic cell such as skin would be removed from the donor. They then take the DNA from this somatic cell, and implant it into an oocyte which has had its own nucleus removed. The egg is placed into a test tube until it forms…show more content…
These obstacles aside, cloning still goes against many ethical beliefs. We are still years if not decades away from cloning actual humans, but people have already begun to despise it. In a way the scientists are playing God, they are creating sacred human lives. This goes against so many religious beliefs. Even if there weren't any ethical issues, the problem of citizenship would arise. How would we categorize clones? Would they even be considered human? With an already overpopulated world, bringing clones into the mix would change everything. We cannot deny what a clone is, they are still human with intelligence and

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